What is the Bias Reporting System?
Colorado State University takes great pride in its mission to provide access to education to all who have a desire and will to learn. In alignment with this mission and in pursuit of its goal to allow all University members to realize their full potential, CSU affirms and upholds the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Any act of hate or bias is counter to the university’s Principles of Community.
The Bias Reporting System is an effort to understand and assess the current state of bias-related incidents at Colorado State University in order to better meet the needs of our diverse community. It serves three core purposes:
- Support
- First and foremost, individuals who are targeted by perceived bias-related incidents are offered critical support as they work through their own process and feelings. Our Bias Assessment Team sends optional support resources to individuals who report an incident of bias, or who are named as a target, if contact information is provided.
- Education
- Secondly, the Bias Reporting System allows us to engage in optional conversations with individuals and groups who, whether intentionally or not, may have caused harm to others related to some form of bias. These conversations are rooted in education and aim to provide critical context to why an action may be perceived as biased. In order to do better we must know better.
- Assessment
- Finally, by assessing reported incidents and tracking the data annually, we are able to understand the climate of Colorado State University as it relates to bias. This data informs and helps shape training programs and educational opportunities for the university community.
Report An Incident of Bias
What is protected speech?
Read Talk, Talk, Talk: A Quick Guide to Free Speech at Colorado State University to find out about speech is protected by the First Amendment.
What are incidents of bias?
A bias incident is any conduct, speech, or expression, motivated in whole or in part by bias or prejudice that is meant to intimidate, demean, mock, degrade, marginalize, or threaten individuals or groups based on that individual or group’s actual or perceived identities.
How the Bias Reporting System Works
When a bias report is submitted, it is automatically sent to members of the Bias Assessment Team. From there the process looks slightly different depending on the specific details of each report. For more information about the process, access the Flow Chart.
Who can submit a bias report?
Anyone can make a report about a perceived bias-related incident connected to the university community. If you believe you have experienced bias or have witnessed bias firsthand, fill out a bias-related incident report.
If you are in an emergency situation, call 911. If you believe you have been the victim of a crime, bias-related or otherwise, contact CSU Police Department at 970-491-6425.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emotional difficulty or mental health illness, contact Tell Someone at (970) 491-1350.
Equity & Inclusion Work at CSU
Incidents of bias can impact entire communities in profound ways and Colorado State University is certainly no exception to this fact. While we cannot erase the pain and harm that bias incidents cause our community, we can take deliberate steps to revisit university policies, practices, and systems.
For additional information about the university’s journey with inclusion and equity work, including actions in response to incidents of bias, see the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion timeline on the Race, Bias, and Equity Initiative’s website.